ADDRESS 4131 Fairfax Drive
Columbus OH 43220
PHONE 614-562-7588

Bruce Braine offers expert economic and analytic consulting services tailored to your specific needs. His forty year career has focused specifically on energy and environmental analysis primarily for electric utilities, other energy companies, and policymakers.

Most recently, Bruce has assisted a large trade association by developing a paper on the economic importance of keeping a diversified portfolio of electric sources including coal and nuclear in the mix. He has also assisted a developer in renewable energy in the economic viability of a specific project, among other projects.

Examples of specific areas of consulting expertise include:

Power Market Analysis
Commodity Future and Options Analysis
Clean Air Act compliance
Clean Power Plan (CO2) compliance
National and international climate change policy
Emissions trading markets
Analysis of Proposed Energy and Environmental Policies
Coal and natural gas market analysis
Electric Utility Resource Planning
Renewable and non-fossil portfolio strategies
Bruce offers consulting services on a time and expenses basis (with a cost estimate), on a fixed price basis or on a monthly retainer basis.
@ 2016 - 2018  BruceBraine.com